Wednesday, 1 April 2009

My Google Life

Last week's computer problems really brought home the face that I really am unbelieably reliant on this complicated piece of machinery. Without it, my ministry and life in general grinds to a near standstill. Sure, I can still converse with people face to face, or on my cell phone, but I lose all my sermon notes; half my library which is contained on Logos, not to mention the exegetical capabilities that have been so useful; emails; online sermons; blogs; and so much more.

I've taken the opportunity of this collapse to update my computer setup, including going wireless with my keyboard and mouse, picking up a large monitor that I can use whilst sitting on the couch (honestly, not just lazy, my fused vertebrae make laptops/books rather painful viewing after a few minutes), and picking up some more powerful speakers that I can hear around our little basement suite now that the computer is grounded.

I've also began to use a few different organisational/networking tools; most notable of which are Twitter, Google Reader and Google Calendar.

Twitter: This little micro-blog tool has already thrown up some diamond links. I follow other pastors, authors and theologians as they update their personal lives, research and general thoughts; including links. So far I've been linked to a Sinclair Ferguson lecture on the puritans; a 10 question evaluation tool to determine how missional our church is; a video of Pastor Josh Harris and his family enjoying a day off; stats from the Resurgence website; and lots of insight into the lives of pastors I look up to, appreciate and enjoy.

Google Reader: There's a list of blogs that I read daily on the right-side navigation bar, right here on my blog. If you, my readers, wanted a constant stream from these blogs you would only have to access this blog and then jump from there. I was using bookmarks still! Of course, it's not THAT hard, but Google Reader gathers all the blogs I follow into one place and I can enjoy them from there. Great tool.

Google Calendar: This has been the most useful and practical of my updates. It's helped Amanda and I look ahead at this coming month and plan together. It's also helped me visualise where I'm taking my various ministries over the coming month in regards to meetings, sermons, study topics, etc.

All of these have handy little quick links that allow me instant access. April is looking like a quieter month, which we're looking forward to. Now, because of these helpful little tools, we'll be able to free up even more time.

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