Monday, 22 October 2007

The Rebel's Guide To Joy Preview

Recently I've been spending a lot of time thinking about the Church. I'm reading D.A. Carson's 'Becoming Conservant with the Emerging Church' and John Piper's 'Brothers We Are Not Professionals'. Tonight I'm considering whether or not I should put this study on hold and simply focus on 1. A book of Scripture and 2. J.I. Packer's 'Knowing God'.

I spent some of this evening on the 'Ask Anything' blog. This blog gives individuals anywhere the opportunity to raise questions they'd like to see Mark Driscoll deal with in a sermon series in the New Year. This series will also be followed by a book published by Crossway. As expected, Ecclesiology (Doctrine relating to the Church) is very much at the forefront of what is being discussed there. And to be perfectly honest, I'm feeling like I've spent too much time thinking about that recently. I need to focus on Scripture, not with the purpose of proving something to be 'Doctrinally Sound' but to hear God speak. So, I'm going to work through Philippians (with the help of the good people at Mars Hill Seattle), grab a few commentaries on it, and simply let God minister to me through it.

At the moment I think I'll begin blogs by posting the video, picking out some interesting points, and discuss them with you. I'm going to go watch the first sermon...

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