Saturday 21 April 2007

The First Of Many Todays

Well, here we are, April 21st. What you don't know yet is that April 21st is a rather big day in my life. Not only is it the day I shall post my third blog, it is also the day that I finish an 18 month cell phone contract. I shall miss you phone. We've had some interesting times together.

The day's two major events will not be further integrated however, and herein ends any discussion of my phone contract.

Hello! Once again, welcome to my life. You join me today at 3:40pm, eating a breakfast of red bull and chocolate. I'm sitting here at my desk in Aberdeen. On my left is aforementioned red bull and chocolate, next to a pile of notes that say the word 'GAY' on them. These notes will be hidden around my respective flat mates' rooms for them to find today, tomorrow, and far off into the distant future. On my right, 18 books and multiple articles on my dissertation subject; 'Women And The Teaching Ministry In The Pastoral Epistles'. My life currently is torn between these left and right sides.

My flat mates, Graeme and Ben, are suprisingly not in the 'game chairs' seen in the picture at the top of today's post. They must be at the pub watching a game. When they return those game chairs will soon find us on them. So, yes, I'm in Aberdeen. Up on the North-East coast of Scotland. No doubt it is a beautiful place. Take a look at my pictures taken up here during my time of study in Aberdeen here.

I'm studying Divinity. More on that will come in future posts. I play for the mighty Inter Bread FC, the self-proclaimed 'hotty tipped favourites for the Champions League 2012'. Unfortunately I doubt we will even win the top competition in Europe, but we do have a lot of fun together. I should really devote a future post to the team; infact, I commit right here and right now to do so.

My time in Aberdeen has been tough. Having known for so many years I am to move to British Columbia has been difficult. Imagine always knowing that your future lies somewhere else? That to settle would be stupid. Relationships you build will not last long. All your free time is spent trying to cultivate relationships on the other side of the world. And among all of that you're trying not to have your Faith suffocated at the 'Best Divinity School in Scotland'. I haven't learned anything from my courses other than observing the damage done by a selfish desire for knowledge. I've watched as students that aren't even Christians are portrayed as great candidates for the ministry. It's terrified me, and made me despair at times. Thankfully I know God is bigger than their 'wisdom'.

What have I learned then? I've actually learned that Theology is incredibly important. If you have poor theology, don't be a Church Leader, go home and get Doctrinally Sound! And hey, Theology doesn't even matter if you've not got an intimate, loving and personal relationship with Jesus Christ that acknowledges our depravity and His Grace! So I've been swallowing good Theology whole, I'm going to do some book reviews on this blog too I think. I think I'm going to do a ranting post about God stuff soon. And topical blogs on different subjects. It's good to get it all down on paper (or blog) sometimes.

I've also learned first hand that building relationships is the best way to do 99% of evangelism. Of course I knew this from books, but from experience it was really cemented. I mean, I suppose a huge chunk of my Christian walk has been here, so I was always going to experience practically the things I was learning in my reading.

And the continuing lesson that I've been learning through my whole Christian walk is that I'm never alone. God's had me in some very lonely situations since becoming a Christian, and He's shown me that I never have to be alone. There has also been the continuing humbling and growing. Really, there's been too much. So I'm going to just pretend that's me covered the past 20 years and get on with living so I can write about that.

Ok! I need more red bull! That is the first of my todays.

Good Today.

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